Source Code

<script language="JavaScript">
    timerID = 10;
    tm = 10000;
    count = tm / 1000 - 1;

    function NNCheck(version) {
        if((navigator.appName.indexOf('Netscape') >= 0)
        && (version <= parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 3)))) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    function Func() {
        ret = setTimeout("location.href = location.href", tm);
        return ret;

    function TimerX() {
        status = count--;

<body onload="ret=Func();timerID=setInterval('TimerX()',1000)">
<script language="JavaScript">
    col1 = new Array("#000000", "#808080", "#c0c0c0", "#ffffff",
                     "#ff0000", "#ffff00", "#00ff00", "#00ffff", "#0000ff", "#ff00ff",
                     "#800000", "#808000", "#008000", "#008080", "#000080", "#800080");
    col2 = new Array("black",   "gray",    "silver",  "white",
                     "red",     "yellow",  "lime",    "aqua",    "blue",    "fuchsia",
                     "maroon",  "olive",   "green",   "teal",    "navy",    "purple");
    if(NNCheck(1)) {
        btn = 'Reload';
    } else {
        btn = 'Renewal';
    doc  = '<p>This page is renewed in every ' + tm / 1000 + ' seconds.<\/p>';
    doc += '<p>It is renewed even if &quot;' + btn + '&quot; of browser is pushed.<\/p>';
    num  = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16) % 16;
    col  = col2[num] + ' (' + col1[num].toUpperCase() + ')';
    doc += '<p>';
    doc += 'C<SMALL>HARACTER</SMALL> C<SMALL>OLOR</SMALL>.'.fontcolor(col1[num]).fontsize('+5').bold();
    doc += '<\/p>';
    doc += '<p>A present color is ' + col + '.<\/p>';
    doc += '<form name="myForm">';
    doc += '<input type="button" name="myButton" value="Stop!" ';
    doc += 'onclick="clearTimeout(ret);clearInterval(timerID);document.myForm.myButton.value=\'!?\'">';
    doc += '<\/form>';
    doc += '<p>It stops when you push an upper button, being renewed.<\/p>';
    doc += '<p>It comes to be renewed again when you push &quot;' + btn + '&quot; of browser.<\/p>';